The Earth's Matrix

Charles William Johnson

When we first began to write about the ancient reckoning system and the search for understanding the historically significant numbers, obviously, we had little idea about the ramification of the project. In our choice of names for the title of our project, Earth/matriX, little did we imagine that it may be possible to actually place specific numbers onto the matrix. We were merely searching for the apparent logic of numbers within the ancient reckoning system.

Our search, however, produces mathematical and geometrical relationships among the ancient reckoning systems that cause us to consider the possibility, that a single reckoning system straddled the Earth many millennia ago. The historically significant numbers that are to be found within the historical record offer a testimony to just such a singular system. We have explored thousands upon thousands of possible computations, and analytical sketches of the ancient artwork, to such a degree, that it would appear that there existed (and still exists) a matrix corresponding to the conditions and terms of existence of the Earth.

It is said that the conditions of existence of our planet Earth are so fragile, that we as a people inhabiting this planet are just beginning to recognize the possibility of our eliminating those conditions to the degree that we are placing in danger our own existence. The conditions of existence of the Earth may be translated into numbers. For years, as a social science student and professor, this author had a dislike for numbers, for translating any human activity into the cold realm of numbers. Such a lack of understanding of how spacetime/motion, the conditions of existence of matter-energy, necessarily reflect a kind of quantification, has slowly been overcome in our studies of ancient artwork. Possibly, one could state, that it is neither a question of believing in the purity of spirit, nor in the purity of numbers, but simply comprehending how spirit and numbers but two faces of the same coin.

Anyone who has followed some of the essays and extracts posted on the Earth/matriX website, right about now, is wondering about the tremendous coincidence of terms in relation to the physical constants and the ancient reckoning system’s historically significant numbers. It is a bit much to think that the ancients just happened upon numbers that just happen to be the numbers that are cited for their significance within astrophysics, physics and chemistry of today.

This author finds it difficult to imagine societies like that of ancient Egypt or of the ancient Maya, to have been able to recruit thousands upon thousands of their citizens to have dedicated generation upon generation to the building of pyramidal structures, simply based upon myth and mysticism. A contemporary speculative idea, like that of the so-called "Orion-belt theory", would have us believe that the ancients did just that. That someone said, "hey, let us build these huge pyramids as a reflection of the stars in the sky" ---stars that no one could even see. Such speculation reaffirms the mythical and superstitious level of ancient knowledge.

Our reading of the ancient past, of the ancient artwork and reckoning systems, suggests a distinct interpretation. All of the speculative interpretations regarding the ancient past seem to be ignoring one specific reality. The ancient societies were structured in such a way as to have lasted for a very long time. During that long-lasting existence, they were able to recruit their people into building enormous pyramidal structures and expansive metropoleis.

Such pyramidal structures, metropolitan structures, and societal structures offer a more complete view of the ancient past. The pyramidal structures and the metropolitan structures were the products of those societal structures. Furthermore, one must examine the knowledge that lay at the basis of these three entities. It is difficult to imagine that such majestic and monumental constructs would have been based upon myth and superstition alone.

Today, we take pride generally in our metropolitan structures (our expansive urban areas), and in our pyramidal structures (our skyscrapers), and in our way of life (our societies). And, without a doubt, we recognize the knowledge, the cognitive basis upon which these three aspects of our lives are built. Yet, we find it difficult to recognize that the ancients worked along the same lines as we do today. Most scholars look back upon the ancient structures, and classify them as exceptional, meaning as exceptions to the general lack of knowledge that existed in the past.

The ancients knew how to live; in fact, their societal structures have far outlived our contemporary models. The ancients knew how to build metropolitan structures within which to live and relate. And, the ancients knew how to build monumental structures, which we have yet been able to comprehend as to their raison d'etre. Today, as a general rule, we do not know how to recognize these simple truths without placing in doubt our own ability and cognition.

If a scholar views one of these three aspects in an isolated fashion, then, it is possible to conclude that the ancient pyramids were built as "tombs", as reflections of the stars, as simple meeting places to sacrifice their victims; ad nauseam. Such speculative opinions appear more as an effort at reinforcing our own myths, than as an effort to comprehending our past.

Once we openly recognize that the ancients produced knowledge similarly as we do today, then, we may be able to penetrate the basic designs of ancient artwork and begin to comprehend their methods of analysis. But, as long as we insist on denying any such possibility, then, we are condemning ourselves to a continued state of ignorance about our past. The question remains, then, that of recognizing the fact that the ancients knew, and we do not know. We have completed inverted the cognitive process, by classifying their knowledge as ignorance, and justifying our ignorance as constituting knowledge.

For some scholars, there must be a certain fear factor enshrouded in the idea that, if the ancients knew more than we do today, than that somehow means we are a lesser being. Such speculative rationalization comes out of our simplistic comparative view of what constitutes time; what is past, and what is present. When such scholars view the past as "them", and the present as "us", then, there is no resolution to their dilemma. Their studies simply reproduce their own fears. In other words, we seek to comprehend the human history, that is, the timeline of humankind, as a singular process. In other words, we strive to comprehend that "the ancients are us"; that is, "we are them".

Until we are able to assume this perspective, and comprehend fully the ramifications of accepting the fact that we belong to our past, then we shall probably ignore the simple facts of history. For example, we may continue to ignore that there exists an Earth matrix, and that this matrix is knowable, and that the ancients knew of it, and incorporated it into every aspect of their lives. Our very lifestyle ignores the very existence of the Earth’s own matrix, and for that simple reason, there are specific reasons why we should avoid knowing the matrix upon which abound the conditions of existence of the Earth and all that is related to our planet.

Astrophysics, physics, and chemistry have taught us that the conditions of existence of the Earth and of all matter-energy may be related to and transformed. These sciences have taught us that numbers may be translated into modifying the conditions of existence of matter-energy. We see such elementary examples of numbers that are received as data and translated into electrical pulses, which produce photographs and images that we can then see with our own eyes. The examples are infinite, where mere numbers translate the apparently indefinable features of spacetime/motion.

Our studies of the ancient artwork are teaching us that there exists an Earth matrix, and this matrix may be translated into numbers; and viceversa. The numbers are telling us something about the matrix itself. Such is the case of the work carried out today by astrophysicists, physicists and chemists. The ancient reckoning system has been determinant in our positing The Schemata of the Elements ( and, which are revealing distinct patterns and color-coded images of the behavior of the elements and their atoms. The ancient reckoning system’s numbers and their fractal expressions are illustrating a method of computation that is far less complex than the alphanumeric system employed today. The elementary method of doubling or trebling numbers, and/or halving or dividing by three, is teaching us how to easily manage numbers and their relationships.

Furthermore, we are examining how the distillation of numbers may hold a method of computation that outstrips any other method of computation known today. We are not completely certain how the ancients developed their system of reckoning, nor are we certain as to whether they carried out their computations in the manner that we are effecting the resolution of many problems. But, we consider that the historically significant numbers have been the basis for this learning process, and may have been the basis for the methods of the past. If not all, most of the ancient reckoning numbers distill to the number 9 and multiples thereof 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, etc. (189, 756, 3168, 108864, 1366560, etc.). This author finds it difficult to accept the idea that such a characteristic might have been due to mere happenstance.

Besides, as we are examining within the ancient method of reckoning, the historically significant numbers and their fractal expressions also relate in detail to the physical constants offered today in physics and chemistry. Again, it is impossible to think that the ancients, who are supposed to have chosen their reckoning numbers out of myth and superstition, just happened to have selected those very same numbers that we are discovering time and again in relation to matter-energy. The mathematical and geometrical minutiae of the reckoning systems of the ancient world reflect historically significant numbers/fractals that meet all the detailed analyses within the fields of physics and chemistry, and even within astrophysics.

Such a coincidence can be surprising only to those who begin with the idea that the ancients knew nothing, and that by chance alone they happened to have selected scientifically relevant numbers for their computations. If we begin with that idea in mind, then we shall be surprised at each minutia expounded upon within the Earth/matriX series of essays. And, our degree of surprise only reflects how far we are from comprehending our relationship to the ancient past. The more surprise felt, the further we are from understanding that the ancients knew possibly what we know today. Or, to state this in more exact terms, we are beginning to know what the ancients knew. The less surprise felt, the closer we are to our past.

With these ideas in mind, we should like to present some of the numbers related to the Earth’s matrix. We shall put a number on the Earth's matrix, 1.3663, as a starting point. We have chosen this particular number for this essay in an effort to exemplify our theses: the ancients knew of the conditions of existence of the Earth.

There are innumerable theses and posits lodged within this all-encompassing thought. They also knew the conditions within which the Earth existed in the solar system and possibly beyond. But, since our own starting point is precisely that of our planet, let us begin our explanatory notes with the Earth's matrix, understanding that there are other matrices that shall require our attention later. For now, we are concerned with the conditions of existence of the Earth. From that all else shall follow.

Charles William Johnson
Jefferson, Louisiana
16 July 2002

©2002-2013 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.
Reproduction prohibited without the written permission of the author.
The Earth's Matrix 1.3663
ISBN 1-58616-314-0
Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork,
P.O. Box 231126, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

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