by Charles William Johnson

Science in Ancient Artwork Series

New Orleans, Louisiana.

The numbers that correspond to the measurement of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Pyramid of Khufu, reflect the motions of the Sun on its journey towards the constellation of Hercules (12 miles/second) and on its journey around the Milky Way (175 mile/second). These numbers also coincide with those of the ancient maya reckoning system.

Dedicated to the Memory of
Dr. Ahmed Fakry

The Great Pyramid

by Charles William Johnson


The Great Pyramid of Giza of ancient Qemt, or Kemi as derived from the Coptic, is also known as the pyramid of Khufu. Its precision in construction and its very measurement have intrigued generations upon generations of students and scholars. Many scholars recognize the evident exactness of the pyramid's measurements, but doubt a corresponding exactness in the numbers. It would appear to be all too logical, that if such a precision were achieved in the engineering skills, then surely the numbers behind those calculations in design must be equally exact. Nonetheless, all too often there is an underlying suggestion that the people who constructed the Great Pyramid, somehow did not possess such knowledge. All kinds of theories are forwarded to minimize the contribution; the knowledge was generated somewhere in the Universe outside the realms of Earth; someone from another land or continent gave them the knowledge; or, simply they made all the right mistakes in building such a precise monuments. The exactness that we are referring to has many aspects. One concerns the measurements of the pyramid's four sides at the base: "north, 755.43 feet; south, 756.08; east, 755.88 feet; west, 755.77 feet" (I.E.S. Edward, p.118)

These measurements suggest the 756 number that most scholars use in referring to the base measurement of the Great Pyramid; although, as we may see it varies according to the side. It be difficult to suggest that each one of these measurements refers to a particular aspect of the ancient reckoning system; in other words, that it is unnecessary to obtain the average length of the four sides, because, in fact, each side should be precisely the length it is in terms of each fraction. This particular alternative in the analysis would require another essay, which we shall present shortly; but, for now, let us consider the 756 figure to be the one that was supposed to be represented by each of the four sides. The pyramid is thousands of years old (exactly how many is also under discussion), and the difference in the four measurements may have many distinct reasons; simply a shifting or settling of the stones that make up its construction. Even a discussion of those possible reasons would require a separate essay. For now, as we mentioned, we shall concentrate upon the 756 figure; let us concede that the builders intended the pyramid to be 756 on each one of its four sides.

The ancient kemi are said to have worshipped the Sun, naturally of our solar system. It is difficult to debate this particular point, although again such a discussion would require an analysis of the very word 'worship', which surely may have suffered changes in meaning over the few thousand years that it has been in use. But, if this is the case, then let us look at the features of the Sun in order to comprehend a possible relationship with the numbers 756. One might suspect that if the Sun was an object of interest by the people of kemi, then possibly its characteristics and measurements may have been involved or communicated in the Great Pyramid itself.

The Sun

The Sun of our solar system reflects various levels of motion. We shall concentrate upon two distinct aspects of those motions. In a previous essay (Earth/matriX Nº36), we explored the possible relationship of one of the velocities of the Sun regarding the maya long count numbers. We used a specific measurement of velocity given by some sources as that of 480000 miles/hour. Let us use the numbers offered from another sources regarding the Sun. One motion concerns the trajectory of the Sun heading towards the constellation of Hercules at 12 miles/second; another motion concerns the Sun's motion within the Milky Way as it rotates around its center at the rate of 175 miles/second.

Few scholars are willing to concede the idea that the ancient kemi (muchless the ancientmaya) did not err in having chosen the 360c for their calendrical system and time-reckoning. Even fewer scholars will entertain the idea that they both possibly knew the time cycle involved in the Great Sun Cycle of a theoretically journey of 26000 years, or the more recent figure of 25920 years of the Precession of the Equinoxes. Understandably, no one would consider their having identified the other two motions identified above regarding the constellation of Hercules or that of the Milky Way. Yet, as we shall observe below, the numbers appear to suggest the possibility of such knowledge when related to the numbers of the ancient kemi system and to the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Many other examples may be drawn, but we shall concentrate on only a few to illustrate the manner in which this may be viewed.

Essentially, we find it difficult to believe that such a monumental structure as the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built in order to count the days in a seasonal year, or to tell when to plant and when to sow. However, the precision of such a structure would be in keeping with a precise knowledge about the time involved in, say, the cycle of rotation of the Milky Way. These two events would suggest a correspondence of an extremely abstracted view of reality, based on a concrete knowledge of that same reality. One would not expect there to exist any significant correspondence between the numbers/measurements of the ancient kemi system and the Great Pyramid and the numbers related to the cycle of the Sun. And, any correspondence that did exist, one would certainly be tempted to state that it must de due to mere coincidence. As we explore the ancient reckoning system, the coincidences begin reflecting the rule by simply being the majority of cases if for no other reason.

Regarding the Sun, then, consider the following, There are 86400 seconds in one day, according to our inherently ancient system of reckoning (let us remember that 864 is a fractal number double the 432 Consecration number). Depending upon the day-count for the year, then, different amounts obtain:

86400 x 225 = 19440000 seconds/year
x 260 = 22464000 "
x 354 = 30585600 "
x 360 = 31104000 "
x 364 = 31449600 "
x 365 = 31536000 "
x 365.25 = 31557600 "

Many of these numbers are impressive, but the most striking is that of 31104000, which reminds us exactly of the number (31104) cited by Hugh Harleston regarding the ancient numbers of the maya and China.

Now, let is consider how many miles are represented by these amounts of seconds for the different rates of motion of the Sun as given above.

19440000" x 12 miles = 233280000 miles traveled in 225 days
22464000" = 269568000 260
30585600 = 367027200 354
31104000 = 373248000 360
31449600 = 377395200 364
31536000 = 378432000 365
31557600 = 378691200 365.25

The different numbers are significant and should be analyzed one by one. However, we are concerned with a single aspect of time- reckoning for right now. The number that we find most intriguing is that of 378432000, which corresponds to the numbers of miles traveled by the Sun in 365 days; the approximate time of Earth's orbit around the Sun. The 365c was also employed by the ancient kemi who used, like the maya a calendrical system of 360 days plus an added five days (365c). In this respect alone, the figure 378432000 is quite coincidental. But, that is not all, the fact that the 432 occurs therein (432 being the Consecration number), once again seems to be significant.

Yet, once we employ the ancient method of mediatio/duplatio (doubling/halving numbers), then the 378432000 figure takes on even more significance regarding the Great Pyramid's measurements.

378432000 x 2 = 756864000
756864000 miles travelled by the Sun in 730 days

We may see that the base length of the sides of the Great Pyramid correspond to a fractal of the exact numbers of miles travelled by the Sun on its journey to the constellation of Hercules. Not only that, but the amount of time in which this occurs happens to be 730 days, which when doubled itself produces the numbers 1460. Once again, we find a number that corresponds to another significant cycle of the ancient kemi: the Sothic cycle of 1460-1461 years. (Cfr., Earth/matriX Nº.73).

Convincing arguments have been made to show that the ancient Egyptians erred in having chosen the 360c for their calendrical system. But, how strange that the numbers that they chosen somehow reflect exactly the same numbers that exist in reality regarding the Sun's own features and motions. Remember, there is another motion under discussion here; that of the Milk Way and the Sun's corresponding rate of 175 miles per hour therein.

86400" x 175 miles = 15120000 miles in one day
7560000 miles in 12 hours

Once again, regarding the second motion of the Sun within the Milky Way, the exact number of the base measurement of the Great Pyramid occurs within the time frame of the calendrical system.

Inmediately, one might suggest that again these are simply coincidences; by no means could the ancient kemi have known such exact measurements of the Sun's motion. In fact, one might even attempt to prove the point by pointing out that even the 12 mph figure and the 175 mph figure must surely be themselves approximations. We cannot help but find it extremely suggestive that these exact similarities between distinct events and their measurement may have been by design. Consider what the probabilities would be for obtaining the exact numbers of measurement from a mistaken conception; in other words, if they made a mistake, the surely their numbers should be no where near the actual numbers corresponding to the events of the Sun.

The Great Pyramid

We shall offer only a few considerations of these numbers regarding a possible representation of the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Many from of interpretation may be required to actually comprehend the scope of this aspect of our studies, but for now we shall concentrate on a single idea; how the previous numbers may afford a distinct view of the measurements of the Great Pyramid.

There are many levels of analysis regarding the time-reckoning system. Let us consider simply that of a single day at this point.

15120000 miles travelled by the Sun in ONE DAY
7560000 12 hours
3780000 6 hours
1890000 3 hours
630000 1 hours

The numbers that draws our attention at this level is that of 630000 miles/hour for the motion within the Milky Way. The 63c fractal appears to be extremely relevant to the ancient kemi and maya system. Elsewhere (Earth/matriX Nº.30), we have shown how the numbers 693, 756 and 819 are significant to one another through a 63c.

63 126 189 252 315 378 441 504 567 630 693 756
819 (k'awil)

Previously, we have shown how the very word k'awil seems to relate phonetically to other concepts in ancient kemi and coincidentally also relate to similar numbers or number series. If we picture the previous numbers series as of the miles travelled by the Sun in relation to the Great Pyramid's dimensions, then the following obtains:

We must remember, that the ancient reckoning system worked on the basis of a floating decimal place in computational terms from the manner in which the numbers appear to behave. The previous divisions, then, would show that the second pyramid, theoretically in a line of pyramids, would commence with the k'awil: 819 of the maya system.

Were this the case, then one could easily imagine how the k'awil (819) of the maya may be a direct companion to the ancient kemi system. K'awil begins the second pyramid on the series. The sound ka of ancient kemi meant "double" (Budge, p.115); the double of a man which lived in the tomb with his body. The second imaginary pyramid is the double of the first. Any numbers of images come to mind; the embracing hands () of the ka symbol around the Great Pyramid in one. There could be others, as a box embracing it on all four sides at the precise measurement of 819 on all four sides.

There are many varied ways in which to conceive the numbers. One could imagine that 730 Great Pyramid in a line would represent 365 days, given that each 756 measurements represents 12 hours. In that manner, 730.5 Great Pyramid would be equivalen to 365.25 days !

730 Great Pyramid = 365
730.5 Great Pyramid = 365.25

Now, consider,

730.5 x 2 = 1461
1461 being the number of the Sothic cycle

In other words, at another level of abstractions and mathematical computation, the Great Pyramid's measurements could represent easily the numbers of the Sothic cycle of ancient Egypt.

1460 x 365.25 = 533265 days
1461 x 365 = 533265 days

The computations are unending: consider,

1461 x 13 = 18993
18993 / 2 = 9496500 (fractal)
9496500 / 365.25 = 26000 years/precession

As we observe the manner in which one might obtain the numbers relating to the Sothic cycle and those of the precession of the equinoxes, the previous analysis of the possibility of linking even these numbers from the level of seconds (") to that of the cycles of the entire Milky Way by way of the very numbers of the Great Pyramid, one obtains the feeling that we are confronted with a basic design of mathematical computation. That system of mathematical computation would appear to reflect the kemi- maya system(s), whereby each flows into the other with relative ease. That ease of computation way stem from the fact that both reflect a single design. That single design may have been developed from the very singular solar system that both ancient cultures were evidently studying with a high degree of dedication and knowledge.


In this essay, we have attempted to illustrate the possibility that the numbers of the ancient reckoning systems of the kemi and the maya reflect some of the aspect of the motion of the Sun. The Suns has been determined to have been a significant element within both of those ancient cultures. To find an exact representation of the numbers regarding the Sun's motion within the ancient reckoning systems and, especially, within the measurements of the Great Pyramid, somehow is not surprising. Such coincidence of numbers have already been revealed in previous essays. We have yet to remark the possible origin of this knowledge; rather, we have concentrated upon the distinct aspects of the computational math. First, we must explore the numbers and their possible relationships. Later studies must concern themselves with commenting whence the numbers appeared.


Charles William Johnson

©1996-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.

Science in Ancient Artwork N°.77
3 December 1996
1996-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved


Link: The Great Pyramid: Measurements

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