Science in Ancient Artwork THE MAYA LONG COUNT: TIME CYCLES IN TERMS OF DISTANCE Charles William Johnson![]() Science in Ancient Artwork Series
Table of Contents THE MAYA LONG COUNT:
The study of the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica and Egypt involves the concept of time. Reality, however, exists as spacetime/movement. Spacetime means movement; movement implies spacetime. As far as we know, space does not exist outside of time; nor does time occur outside of the coordinates of space. Hence, the concept of spacetime, which also signifies movement. In any study of time, therefore, one necesarily is conceptualizing space. In the study of time cycles as of the ancient reckoning system, it is easy to ignore, or even forget, that the concept of space is implied therein. One must enquire, time-cycles of what? Obviously, one is studying the planetary bodies of the solar system that we live in. Nonetheless, most academics concur that the ancient astronomers did not think in terms of, 'orbits', or orbital times of the planetary bodies, muchless did they comprehend the orbits themselves.
In our studies, however, we have attempted to comprehend the logic of numbers that is reflected in the ancient reckoning system. The numbers would appear to be so intimately related, that it is difficult to consider any other alternative but to think that the ancient astronomers did actually conceive of the orbits of the planets within the solar system. In fact, the numbers would even seem to suggest that they possibly knew of the precession of the equinoxes, or the Great Year (the Platonic year); v. gr., 26,000 or 25,920 years. If that datum may appear to be exaggerated by the logic of the numbers in the ancient reckoning system, then we should consider another possibility: that the ancient astronomers knew of the rotation, revolution and velocity of the sun itself.
As everyones likes to affirm, numbers do not lie. And the numbers would appear to suggest just such an alternative, as we shall explore in this essay. We shall examine how the logic of numbers within the ancient reckoning system and the maya long count reflects a relationship of numbers that might translate into computations involving the velocity of the Earth and the Sun, as well as the distance travelled. The time-cycles may be translated obviously into the number of miles travelled by the planetary bodies, which may also imply their velocities. Let us take the numbers that relate to the 360c of the maya long count and translate in terms of distance/miles as we know them today regarding the solar system's bodies.
We shall not enter into a discussion at this point of the concept of measurement; this theme will be dealt with in a later essay. There is much debate concerning the origin of the two main systems that are employed today; the metric systems and the English system. There is a third system of measurement that requires discussion as well; the Standard Teotihuacan Unit system of measurement designed by Hugh Harleston, Jr. (El Universo de Teotihuacan, 1990). However, such an examination would require several essays; we expect to offer at least one or two papers at a later date.
For now, let us simply compare the numbers without regard to the conceptual nature of their measuring criteria. We shall simply compare the relationships of coincidence regarding the ancient reckoning system and the numbers generally cited pertaining to the characteristics of the Universe and the solar system. For our analysis we have chosen the numbers of contemporary measurement expressed in the English system (miles); the reasons for this shall become obvious throughout the following discussion. Metric system numbers could be employed but require further considerations.
Measurement is relational. The measurement of astronomical events especially involves the physics of movement; even things that appear to be at relative rest. When one measures space, then the measurement of movement suffers; and conversely, when one measures movement, then the measurement of spatial coordinates suffers. By measuring time, one is necessarily examining the event that exists and moves during that time span. However, numbers can only reflect the spacetime/movement coordinates of a particular event in a relational manner (relationaly to the event itself, to the observer and to the instruments of measurement). The very concept of an exact measurement would appear to be a contradiction of terms inasmuch as reality is constantly in movement.
Nonetheless, spacetime/movement can be counted; and that is basically what measurement implies: the assigning of numbers to specific spatial, temporal, and relational coordinates. The numbers would sometimes appear to take on more meaning than the event itself. Such may have been the case in ancient times whereby numbers almost came alive, taking on specific personalities, often expresed in terms of lucky/unlucky days and the like. Numbers were assigned `good' and `evil' meanings. Numbers were taken seriously; the measurements were carried out in earnest. The exactness was the object of extreme purpose. Yet, as we have already mentioned, reality itself defies the very concept of exactness.
Many numbers appear in the historical record. In the Earth/matriX series of essays, we have been examining some of the numbers that have often been cited as forming part of the ancient reckoning system's inventory of numbers. Some numbers appear to have more meaning than others; some reflected events, while others seem to have only reflected events that were measured, counted. Often the exact meaning of a number is sought. However, it may be the case, as we have argued elsewhere, that a particular number may have enjoyed various meanings. Again, things are relational in reality, and it may have depended upon how the numbers were related among themselves and to other events in order to devise their meanings. In a word, measurement is a way of assigning meanings. Let us explore the numbers in a search for some of those possible meanings that may have been lost down through the ages.
The Maya Long Count and the Numbers of the Universe
Whenever one speaks about time-cycles of planetary bodies in the solar system, necessarily reference is implied to the distance travelled by those bodies. As we have seen in earlier essays, the different day-counts of the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica may in fact be intimately related to such a degree as to form a single system. The day-counts of Earth (360c; 365c) and Venus (584c; 225c) would appear to be related, alongwith the older 260c system. In the ancient reckoning system, numbers appear to have been rounded off, eliminating the fractions at least in the historical record. It may be understood that the fractions were known and employed in computations, however, in order to achieve an exact knowledge of the relationship of the different planetary bodies.
In considering the relationship of time and distance travelled by the bodies of the solar system, the most obvious answer would be to translate the numbers of the maya long count into total miles travelled. For example, one could understand that 7200 days of Earth's travelling time would be 482,400,000 miles, since Earth travels at a velocity of 67,000 miles per hour. Furthermore, in one day, the Earth travels in space 1,608,000 miles; that is, 578,880,000 miles in a yearly period of a 360 day-count (of the maya long count system). The different day-counts for Earth would imply the following distances at the 67,000 miles per hour velocity:
260c | = | 418,080,000 | miles |
360c | = | 578,880,000 | " |
364c | = | 585,312,000 | " |
365c | = | 586,920,000 | " |
The numbers that are cited for the maya long count, expressed in a counting of the days, would be represented in terms of miles/hour for the Earth's velocity as follows:
23,040,000,000 | days | x | 24 hours | = | 552,960,000,000 | hours |
1,152,000,000 | = | 27,648,000,000 | ||||
57,600,000 | = | 1,382,400,000 | ||||
2,880,000 | = | 69,120,000 | ||||
144,000 | = | 3,456,000 | ||||
7,200 | = | 172,800 | ||||
360 | = | 8640 | ||||
20 | = | 480 | ||||
1 | = | 24 |
In order to obtain the total number of miles travelled in each corresponding time-cycle, one would simply multiply each total number of hours by the figure 67,000 miles/hour:
552,960,000,000 | x | 67,000 | = | 37,048,320,000,000,000 | miles |
27,648,000,000 | = | 1,852,416,000,000,000 | |||
1,382,400,000 | = | 92,620,800,000,000 | |||
69,120,000 | = | 4,631,040,000,000 | |||
3,456,000 | = | 231,552,000,000 | |||
172,800 | = | 11,577,600,000 | |||
8,640 | = | 578,880,000 | |||
480 | = | 32,160,000 | |||
24 | = | 1,608,00 |
The numbers are obviusly astronomical in appearance. Consider that 23.04 billion days represents 64 million years of the 360c (of the maya long count). The number of miles that the Earth travels during that period is an unpronounceable amount: 37,048,320,000,000,000 miles.
Time-Cycle Numbers Expressed in Miles Travelled
As we have mentioned in previous essays, it would appear that a particular event or number may have enjoyed many distinct meanings in the ancient reckoning system, depending upon how they were related among themselves. Let us now consider a distinct possibility. Let us examine the maya long count numbers and their fractals as of the spatial coordinate, i.e., distance travelled as expressed in miles. It would appear that the logic of numbers flows into the spatial coordinates as well as the temporal ones.
Such a relational concept of the behaviour of numbers as possibly to be found in the ancient reckoning system may have simply been a reflection of the very complex nature of the Universe itself. The Earth travels 67,000 miles hour on its daily journey around the Sun within the solar system. But, the Earth also travels in another direction as it revolves around the Sun, being pulled with/by the Sun as its travels 480,000 miles/hour on its own orbital path within the galaxy of the Milky Way. A complets revolution of the Sun within the galaxy takes approximately 250,000,000 years (today's Earth count). Therefore, the Sun is travelling at 480,000 miles/hour in a counterclockwise direction around the hub of the galaxy; which means that its accompanying planets and bodies have that same velocity in that same direction.
In one day of Earth's time (24 hours), that would mean that the Sun (and all of its systemic components) would have travelled 11,520,000 miles. Immediately, one is struck by the fact that this figure represents a fractal of one of the maya long count numbers (1,152,000,000); in fact, it represents 1/100th of that particular maya long count number. By the 360c, the 1,152,000,000 number of days represents 3.2 million years (360c).
If the Sun travels, then, 11,520,000 miles in one of Earth's days, then it would travel in one year the following number of miles according to the distinct day-counts:
260c = 2,995,200,000 | miles |
360c = 4,147,200,000 | " |
364c = 4,193,280,000 | " |
365c = 4,204,800,000 | " |
A most significant consideration is the relationship that one may perceive regarding the distance that the Sun would travel in one month. The ancient reckoning systems of Mesoamerica were based on a month that consisted of 20 days. Hence, in one month, the Sun would travel 230,400,000 miles; again a fractal of the maya long count number 23,040,000,000 (days).
The Maya Uayeb and the Companion Number 1366560
The five additional days (uayeb) of the maya 360c count derives in the 365 day-count. As we mentioned earlier, the 360c, the 364c, and the 365c formed basically the same system, performing distinct computational functions however. When we consider the 365c with respect to the companion number 1366560 then more precise relationships would seem to be present within the logic of numbers of the ancient reckoning system. In an earlier essay (Earth/matriX No. 32), we analyzed the possible significance of the companion number 1366560 with to the distinct day-counts and cycle numbers.
Now, let us explore the 365c and the 1366560 companion number with respect to a possible interpretation of the maya long count numbers in terms of spatial coordinates of distance.
We have seen that the 365c yields a travelling distance for the Sun of 4,204,800,000 miles (at its 480,000 mph velocity). A significant cycle number for the 365c is that of 104 years, or its cycle number 52c (2 x 52 = 104). In 52 years (365c), the Sun would travel 218,649,600,000 miles:
365 x 11520000 = 4,204,800,000 x 52 = 218,649,600,000 |
Now, when one divides the last figure by the companion number 1366560, then something quite significant occurs:
218,649,600,000 divided by 1,366,560 = 160,000 |
That 160,000 fractal/figure is extremely close to the one-tenth value of the distance travelled by the Earth in one day (1,608,000 miles). Furthermore, if one were to use the adjusted figure of 160800 (fractal) times 1366560, then a number would be obtained that would be divisible by the 360c:
160,800 x 1,366,560 = 219,742,848,000 divided by 360c = 610,396,800 |
It would appear that, by varying computations, the companion number 1366560 may have served also for obtaining a translation between the number of days and miles travelled by the Sun in a 52-year cycle with respect to the number of days and miles travelled in a single day of Earth's time (365c; 360c).
The day-count numbers (260c; 360c; 364c; 365c), the companion number 1366560, and the 52c cycle-number (104c) are chosen numbers; numbers that were assigned consciously with a reason within the ancient reckoning system. The actual numbers that reflect astronomical events (1,152,000,000 miles; 1,608,000 miles; etc.) are numbers that reflect measurement; the measurement of time and distances in numbers (abstractions in counting) regarding spacetime/movement coordinate.
The day-count numbers and the cycle numbers of the ancient reckoning system of Mesoamerica would appear to reflect relationships that may have possibly been considered in ancient times: The astronomically high numbers that have often stumped scholars may reflect considerations of space (distance) and movement; and, not only temporal coordinates. If the numbers of the maya long count, for example, reflect computations for travelling times and distances of the solar system and the bodies therein, then many more questions arise. Many scholars have not yet accepted the fact that the maya may have known the orbital time of the Earth to an exact number, muchless the great year of the Sun (the Platonic year) or the precession of the equinoxes.
To even suggest that the ancient maya may have known the distance travelled by the Earth and the Sun (the entire solar system) in a single day, or in their projected lifetime, would appear to be simply a fantasy of human imagination. Yet, the logic of numbers of the maya long count, alongwith such intriguing numbers as the 52c cycle-number and the companion number 1366560, would appear to substantiate just such a relationship of knowledge. The question then arises as to how they may have achieved such a feat without the assistance of contemporary measuring instruments. An answer may lie within mathematical reasoning and the knowledge of the laws of geometry. It is that avenue which must be further explored.
For, if one thing has become visible from our own studies of the logic of numbers of the ancient reckoning system, is that the mathematical models which have been constructed for possible computational purposes, would seem to have been developed over a very long stretch of time, and in a very tedious and detailed fashion. The duplation/mediato method would seem to offer one of the simplest forms of reasoning, yet would also prove itself to be capable of handling any possible number of computations. In subsequent essays, we shall explore, then, the numbers of the solar system in the light of such reasoning.
Science in Ancient Artwork NÂș.36
31 October 1995
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