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first in Languages Series
Sound of Meaning: Ancient
Egyptian, Maya and Nahuatl
Author: Charles William Johnson
154 pages
ISBN 0.9755482-04
Price: $3.99US



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Comparative Linguidtic of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Tunica
Author: Charles William Johnson
ISBN 1-58616-434-1
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Copyrighted 2006
206 Pages
Price: $3.99 US

Comparative Linguistics of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs with Tunica, Chitimacha and Atakapa


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Ancient Egyptian and Purepecha
Author: Charles William Johnson
2007 Copyrighted
80 Pages
ISBN 1-58616-453-X
Price: $5.99 6US
Ancient Egyptian and Purépecha





In our reading of the calendar, we have assigned twenty coordinate dots to the pointer, which would appear to reflect the design itself enshrouded in the pointer. These coordinate points have been identified as follows:

The Coordinate Dots of the Pointer

The reader may express doubts concerning the coordinate dots assigned to the mid-section of the four square-like configurations within the Nahui Ollin, as we distinguish them in the following illustration:

Nonetheless, we did find examples which reflect such a possibility on other pointers within ancient cultures of Mexico. Consider the following case of a pointer from Malinalco.

Nahui Ollin
with a Star

In this case, it is clear, in fact, that there are even sub-divisions within the intermediate coordinates marked by four smaller lines on each square arm. No matter, the pointer is compactly designed, and seems to have served as a marker for calculating day-glyphs and possibly specific quantities and cycles within the 20-day counting system which is known for its complexity and tediousness.

Continue Part: III

The Pointer of the Aztec Calendar
Home Part: I Part: II Part: III Part: IV Part: V Part: VI Part: VII

©1995-2011 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved
Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.

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