

The Vacuocentric Solar System

Head-on View

Charles William Johnson

          Textbook illustrations of the planetary orbits around the Sun generally are presented as closed circles. Even the orbiting satellites of Earth, both artificial and natural (the Earth's Moon) are generally drawn as complete circles. Seldom does one find in textbooks on astronomy about the solar system orbits that are portrayed as a spiral. Only on extremely rare occasions does one find a single orbit drawn similar to the figure of a lock-nut washer, an open-ended circle.

          Scholars in all walks of today's science writing seek to be exact in their apprehension of matter-energy. Yet, for some unknown reason, possibly simply that of tradition, does an insistence remain in illustrating the orbit of a planetary body in the solar system as an enclosed complete circle. Even in some of the definitions of what a particular orbit likens to, the wording of the description of the meaning the concept of a "year" speaks about how a planetary body returns to the same place in its orbit. No planetary body, star, asteroid, comet or single solitary piece of space trash (say a tiny rock floating in space) ever returns to the "same" place throughout its existence.

          The fact that all matter-energy throughout the solar system, and throughout the Universe, is in constant motion, on a specified directional path, denies such a possibility. Each and every set of coordinates of any piece of matter-energy throughout the Universe never, ever returns to the same place; given the ever present expansion of the Universe. Now, if the Universe is not actually expanding as theoretically posited, well, then this discussion must be modified in its statements. But, even if the Universe were not expanding as postulated, the movement of the Solar system would still require the statements forwarded above.  The directional movement of the galaxy within which the solar system finds itself would continue to require orbital illustrations of the Sun and its planets, and the moons of the planets, that would be spirals and not complete, enclosed circles.

          In science writing and practice, scientists strive to reach an exact apprehension of matter-energy. Observe the physical CODATA constants, where for example, the concept of exactness is purported in the speed of light: 299792.458 kilometers per second. Yet, when scientists teach students about the planetary orbits, and even the orbit of the Sun itself, illustrations almost always dwell upon circular (at best, elliptical) enclosed figures. And, just as it has taken me decades of study to chip away at this erroneous visualization of the ideas regarding planetary orbits, so must it occur with most other students and scholars. For even today, I continue to read works by scientists who struggle to explain the behavior of the solar system as of circular concepts.

          And, without a doubt one may conclude no wonder. For the wonderment of the Sun and the planetary bodies (as well as all of the matter-energy, stars, nebulae and dust in the Universe) to be interplaying with one another without an enclosed conceptual path remains to be a theoretical challenge to the human mind. To imagine in one's own mind how the Sun and all of the other bodies within the solar system, together with other the bodies apparently entering and leaving the solar system (such as meteors, meteorites, asteroids and comets), exist apparently suspended in space, moving in unison to one another, connected by the force of gravity, nearly defies one's capability of mental apprehension. No doubt.

          The human body lives and thrives in a centered environment, in a reference frame centered by gravity itself.  Our feet are firmly placed on the ground of Earth; in this manner we are born, raised, live and die, generally. Only now, as space travel has become a reality do a selected few human beings experience a non-centered existence, however momentarily, when they spacewalk or experience the absence of gravity floating in a falling airplane. 

          The center of the Solar System remains a theoretical concept that is of utmost importance for our theoretical conception of how the system itself turns, how all of the planetary bodies turn around that center. And, even here, where I am emphasizing the need to throw off certain theoretical visualizations of the existence of the solar system, it is impossible to place aside concepts such as "turn" or "revolves". When scientists speak about orbits, they speak in terms of planets "revolving around the Sun". The concept of revolutions implies an initial point and that same point as representing a point of return.

          Scholars will decry that these concepts are in relation to the Sun and one of the planets. That the planet, in that reference frame, has an starting point of its orbit in relation to the Sun and then apparently returns to that same point in the sky in relation to the Sun. Nay. Not even then. Even within the limited chosen relationship between the Sun and a particular planetary body (or between any two bodies in the Cosmos) these two bodies do not experience movement to and from the same point.

          Let us place aside for the moment the concept of the circular orbit or the revolutionary elliptical path of the Earth around the Sun, and consider the distance traveled by the Earth during one sidereal year. The mean orbital velocity of the Earth is given by NASA as being 29.78 kilometers per second. Every planet in the solar system has a distinct mean orbital velocity.  Yet, like the Sun, each planet travels in step with the Sun at a speed of 19.4 kilometers per second given this is the speed of the Sun relative to nearby stars (again given by NASA).  In one sidereal year there are, give or take, 31558118.4 seconds. Therefore, the Sun (and all of the planetary bodies in the solar system) travel 612227497 kilometers (give or take).   Now, these 612227497 kilometers are themselves traveled along a spiraling path "around" the center of the galaxy within which the solar system finds itself. And, the spiraling path of the galaxy finds itself traveling likewise throughout the Universe. And, so on.

          At no time, at no space, is there a complete revolution, a circle, even an elliptical circle. There are only spiraling paths of bodies moving throughout space and time. Yet, the human mind struggles to get a handle on this dynamic form of existence of matter-energy; and one way of doing that is to imagine revolutions, circular movements, a begin point and an end point, a point of return. By the time the Earth reaches the "same" point of its orbit around the Sun, it is 612227497 kilometers from the initial point of its orbit one year prior [!]. To even suggest that the Earth returned to the same point in the sky, vis-à-vis the Sun represents a circular argument, as in begging the question, not as in exact reasoning about spacetime.

          I remember having come across an illustration of the Sun's timeline, with the spiraling paths of the nine planets drawn around that timeline in an article in one of the foremost science magazines. I lost the reference and have not been able to find it since. I am certain that other references exist. Yet, aside from those two-dimensional representations, the majority of school/university textbooks insist on showing the enclosed circle of revolutions of planetary bodies around the sun in our solar system. With computer software this limited two-dimensional drawing now may become obsolete. It is possible, and necessary, to represent the interplay of movement within the bodies in the solar system, and even more significant is the need to emphasize the head-on view of the solar system.

          Most of the illustrated views of the solar system are side views at a slight angle from the perspective of the ecliptic.  The problem with the side view as given in most textbooks is that the viewer then imagines the top view of the solar system to be actually the top, as though one were then looking down upon the solar system from above. The solar system's side view suggests a flat plate in flight. The direction of the Sun (and the entire solar system) then appears to be moving upwards like a spiraling bottle rocket at best.

The meaningful view for conceptualizing the movement of the solar system, however, concerns a head-on view (and the tail view) of the solar system.  Let us consider then, the distances and numbers related to a head-on view of the solar system in this essay. A head-on view would consist of imagining the flat plane of the galaxy within which the solar system finds itself, and placing oneself within one of the two spiraling galactic arms of the Milky Way and staring at the on-coming solar system head-on. This is next to imagining looking down the mouth of an extended slinky toy unfurling within the spiraling galactic arm; actually ten-plus spiraling slinky toys wrapped around one another. The inclusion in the head-on view of the moons of the different planetary bodies would cause the required visualization of numbered slinky toys to expand nearly beyond comprehension.  

          In the minimum head-on view of the solar system ---the Sun and its nine planets*--- one observes ten concentric circles. For the Sun | Jupiter barycentral relationship reflects the fact that the solar system does not "revolve" around the Sun with the Sun at the very centerpoint of the solar system. The Sun | Jupiter barycenter is said to lie outside of the Sun at a distance of 1.068 solar radii. The Sun's radius is given as 696000 kilometers. Therefore, the Sun | Jupiter barycenter is 743328 kilometers from the center of the Sun; i.e., 47328 kilometers from the Sun's surface.

          *Pluto remains a planet even if it is now called a "dwarf planet" by some. Consider the barycentral, binary relationship of the Earth/Moon as of the barycentral, binary relationship of Pluto/Charon.

The concentric lines in the previous illustration, then, actually represent a head-on view of an orbital path that represents each the distance of 612227497 kilometers from start to end of the one-year period, while the distance traveled along the line itself from start to end represents, for the case of the Earth, for example, 9399645220 kilometers (in consideration to the semimajor axis of Earth, 149.6 x 106 km).  Consider the two distinct views, the side view and the head-on view, of the Earth with regard to the distance it travels along its orbital path around the Sun.

          For each planet (along with the Sun's numbers) the values for the head-on view change given the distinct distances traveled. The value given for the side view of 612227497kilometers remains the same for each planet as well as for the Sun.  On of the most significant aspects for the head-on view concerns the conceptualization of the path of the Sun.

          The centerpoint of the solar system is not the centerpoint of the Sun. The centerpoint of the solar system lies at the barycenter of the Sun | Jupiter relationship, which itself is determined by the multi-gravitational relationships of the Sun and all the other planetary bodies in the solar system (the moons of the planets included). The centerpoint of the solar system, then, lies outside of a specific body, in space itself. The interrelationship of the Sun and its planetary bodies (and the moons of these bodies) determine the existence of a solar system that actually has no point in the terms of matter, but may be considered to be represented by pure energy (or the absence of matter as such). And, given the nutation or wobble of all of the bodies within the solar system, one would expect that the centerpoint of the solar system, as such, is itself impossible to represent by anything other than a theoretically abstracted timeline, since it must necessarily undergo movement itself in the tug-of-war of gravity among the entities in the solar system.


However, for the purposes of illustration, it is necessary to abstract the centerpoint's timeline within the solar system. The exactness in apprehension nonetheless must strive to portray the movement of the timeline itself.

The head-on view, illustrated above indicates the barycenter of the Sun | Jupiter solar system. The head-on view of the apparent orbital path of the Sun around the barycenter of the solar system is said to represent a distance of 1.068 solar radii (743328 kilometers) from the center of the Sun to the barycenter of the solar system itself. In a strict sense of the word, then, the solar system is not heliocentric, but rather vacuocentric, should such a concept be possible. Empty space (to speak) occupies the center of the solar system, the diverging point from which all planets, planetary bodies and the Sun in the solar system pull away from. So, even though the apparent theoretical conceptualization calls for us to imagine all of the planets, planetary bodies and the Sun itself to be revolving around the centerpoint of the solar system, actually, all of these entities are pulling away from that central point. Or, one may imagine that all of the entities in the solar system are being pulled towards one another, causing them all to pull away from one another. The centerpoint of the solar system, then, is the point where all entities within the solar system simultaneously and instantly converge towards and diverge away from one another. The barycenter of our solar system, then, is an imaginary point in spacetime (matter-energy) in this realm of the Universe determined by the Sun | Jupiter system of entities (in relation to all other entities in the Universe).

          Were any one of the entities in the solar system to fly off into space, and leave the system, the barycenter would obviously undergo a change in its coordinate position within the Universe. As the Sun | Jupiter system exists, one may consider the barycenter to be a constant relationship (even though it reflects constant change of movement). But, one must realize that change any element of the multi-gravitational relationship of the solar system's entities and that constancy value will likewise change ---meaning it is not independently constant in the existence of spacetime.

          Consider the variations in combining the distinct units of measurement along the imaginary line of the Sun's radius/diameter as in the following illustration. Combinations of measurement are infinite, but the .136 | 2.136 | 4.136 combinations are the main ones to be considered at this time. Later studies will consider other variations.

          In this sense, the .136 ratio of the diameter of the Sun's spirally path around the centerpoint of the solar system is a constant, while said ratio would obviously change given any other change in the multi-gravitational relationship. To discover that the solar matrix, then, reflects a proportion of .136, 2.136, 4.136 along the abstracted line of the barycenter, as we have written about in a previous essay (The Solar matrix,, causes little surprise when we also find that the 1.36+ proportion is found throughout the existence of matter-energy on Earth and in the solar system. For example, the 1.3661 ratio between the 373.15 Kelvin boiling point of water, and the 273.15 Kelvin freezing point of water. Other similar proportions exist with regard to other aspects of matter-energy as have been listed below.

          Consider four distinct moments of the barycenter relationship in order to conceptualize the head-on view of the solar system. Choosing four distinct moments is undoubtedly arbitrary, but the relevancy of this choice will be clear at the end of this essay when we compare this view of the solar system with an ancient piece of Aztec artwork. The necessary choice is to consider all of the moments along the timeline, but for now, four will suffice.

          In this essay, I have limited considerations to the most elementary relationship of the Sun | Jupiter, with a few references to that of the Earth. Imagine what an analysis of all of the planets and their planetary bodies would entail from the perspective posited in this essay. To even begin to consider and conceptualize the multi-gravitational relationships of all of the entities within the solar system (including the momentary entrance of meteors, meteorites, asteroids, comets, etc.,) would be mind-boggling.from the head-on view perspective.  And, here I am speaking about a single-frame moment. When all of the spatial-temporal coordinates are taken into consideration, well, reality simply presents itself. The abstracted human mental conceptualize of that is obviously quite difficult. In other words, imaging the solar system as it exists, in relation to all of its coordinates of spacetime, literally gets out of hand.

          Analogy comes to mind. We can drive an automobile without considering the straight line that we drive, from point A to point B, is actually not a straight line, but again a spiraling timeline on the surface of the Earth, something like a spiraling great circle on a human scale. Were any attempt made to consider mentally, as we are driving, the actual line of travel of us in our automobile would probably cause us to crash. Nonetheless, the comfort of abstracted thinking aside, in order to have an exact appreciation of matter-energy, it is necessary to embrace as many levels as possible.

          One wonders whether the ancients attained such a level of abstraction. Consider the fact that the ancient Aztecs were studying the Cosmos and the planetary cycles in relation to the Sun. One may wonder whether the Aztec Calendar, among its many representations, might not represent a head-on view of the solar system. Consider the following illustration for this purpose. In order to complete the analysis, I refer the reader to my essay on the Pointer of the Aztec Calendar and the possible relationship to the layout of the pyramids at Teotihuacan. In a sense, most scholars have determined that the pyramids of the Moon and the Sun at Teotihuacan reflect the extent of the knowledge of the ancient Mesoamericans. However, the case may be that the Pyramid of the Moon may also represent the planet Jupiter, whereby the layout of Teotihuacan is again a reflection of the solar system at its barycenter. But, that analysis must wait for a while. In the meantime, consider the head-on view of the Aztec Calendar in relation to the solar system that we live in.

          Consider the following aspects of matter-energy (spacetime) that reflect a ratio or proportion regarding the 1.36 - 1.38+ range of fractal values.

Table of Matter-Energy Events and Corresponding Fractal Values

Ionization Energy of Hydrogen
The ionization energy of hydrogen is:
-13.6 eV.
Solar Constant
The solar constant is:
1.367 w/m2.
Thermodynamic Temperature Scale
The thermodynamic temperature reflects the 1.3661 ratio between the boiling and freezing points of water.
The Inverse Fine-Structure Constant
The Fine-Structure Constant and the Inverse Fine-Structure Constant are 7.297352568 and 137.03599911 respectively
Hartree Energy
Hartree energy
27.2113961 / 2 = 13.60569805
Rydberg Constant
Rydberg constant 13.6056981[same as Hartree energy half value]
Core-Mantle Boundary
136 Gigapascals of pressure at the Core-mantle boundary
136 Gigapascals
Newtonian Constant of Gravitation
The Newtonian Constant of Gravitation:
6.6742 is a multiple of 13668.7616
Sidereal Year of Earth
The Sidereal Day-Count of Earth:
365.256 is a reciprocal multiple of .0013689254
Velocity of Light
The Speed of Light is a reciprocal of:
Refractive Index of Light
The Refractive Index of Light:
Electron to Alpha Particle Mass Ratio
The Electron to Alpha Particle Mass Ratio is given as a constant value:
The Boltzmann Constant
The Boltzmann Constant and/or the Kelvin-Joule Relationship is:
"Living cells typically have a refractive index of between 1.33 and 1.38." Approximately 1.36 is the average of these two cited values.

Add to these, the Solar matrix: .136 | 2.136 | 4.136

Metairie, Louisiana 8 July 2007
©2007-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All rights reserved.
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