The Vacuocentric Solar System Additional Commentary Charles William Johnson The slides presented in the essay about the vacuocentric solar system are not to scale. In the following slides, I have made an elementary attempt to offer illustrations of the distances/proportions involved regarding the barycenter of the Sun | Jupiter solar system. The following slides are somewhat to scale with regard to the Sun | Sun relation, although not so with respect to the distance between the Sun and Jupiter (the letter-size page is simply insufficient in this regard). By considering the proportion regarding the Sun | Sun relationship the solar matrix (.136 | 2.136 | 4.136) becomes more comprehensible. Further, the theoretical conceptualization of the Sun revolving/spiraling around the barycenter with Jupiter has implications for previous analyses regarding the Aztec Calendar. To this effect, I have included a couple of images that bring to mind the initial analysis of the Aztec Calendar that I made in 1992. Some scholars find it difficult
to believe that the ancient Mesoamericans may have known the Precession. Imagine
just how surprised they may be to find out that the ancient Aztecs and Maya
may have known about the Sun | Jupiter barycenter. This may be viewed with regard
to the Aztec Calendar design and to the ancient Maya companion number, 1366560.
The distance between the Sun | Sun relation is _______________________________________________________________ Earth/matiX Email: