Ancient Reckoning Number Series

Charles William Johnson

In many of the historically significant numbers of the ancient reckoning systems, we have seen that apparent number series are employed. For example, in the Maya system, we have seen historically significant numbers such as 2304 and 4302. These numbers, as well as many others, suggest to us that the ancients employed number series, which would represent the extremes between the lesser and the greater number of the digits involved. For example, in the case cited previously, the number series would involve those numbers with the 0, 2, 3, and 4 digits from 0234 through and up to 4320.

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Earth/matriX Editions
Earth/matriX: Science in Ancient Artwork and Science Today

October 2002
Ancient Reckoning Number Series: ISBN-1-58616-332-9
© 2002-2014 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson.

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