by Charles William Johnson
The calendars of ancient Egypt (kemi) and ancient Mesoamerica (maya) are based upon a 360 day-count, which has often been considered to have been developed in error. We now know that it takes the Earth more than 365 days to circle the Sun so to speak. Both of the ancient cultures, the kemi and the maya added on a final count of five days to their calendars. Such a coincidence in an error of counting leads us to consider the idea that possibly the kemi and the maya peoples did not err. That leads to the question of why the numbers 360 may have been chosen out of some conscious design.
Just as there may have been a mathematical reason for having chosen a 260 day-count calendar among the ancient peoples of Mesoamerica, in relation to a common interval of day-counts between the 365c and the 584c of Earth and Venus respectively, so might a similar reason exist regarding the 360c. A coincidence of day counts between the 365 and 584 calendars establishes the 260. In seeking a similar relationship of coincidence among the 360c, the 365c and the 584c, we discovered that by doubling the number 360 a specific amount of time, one produces the 365c and the 584c. Hence, there may be a mathematical reason for the ancients in having chosen that particular count. In both the cases of the 260c and the 360c calendars, one must realize that the observational data already existed evidently regarding the 365c and the 584c of Earth and Venus respectively. In both cases, the data of observation established the basis for recongnizing the significance of the 260c interval and the 360c relation. Without the observational data, neither of those two numbers would have had any recognizable meaning; just as we have been unable to discern their meaning until now. In this extract (#3), we present the table of numbers related to the doubling of the 360 numbers. It is well-know that the ancient kemi, and the ancient maya, used the mathematical method of doubling and halving numbers. The maya long count numbers (360, 720, 144000, etc.) are the most obvious case for Mesoamerica. In our analyses of the computations of the ancient reckoning system, we have been exploring this particular method in relation to the historically significant numbers. Many numbers that appear to be unrelated, by this means, become directly related among themselves. As we may observe from the accompanying table, when the number 360 is doubled 26 times, a number appears that suggests another historically significant number from ancient Nineveh: 12079595520. The Nineveh number was similarly: 195955200000000. The 19595520 fractal may be obtained by simply multiplying 2 x 9797760, which are some of the integers from the previous number on the table (6039797760 = 25 x 360). One must note that 26 lies on the doubling/halving of 13: 13, 26, 52, 104...; 26 being a fractal of the 260c. Another number that was significant for ancient Nineveh was 2268, which also appears significantly on the table when 360 is doubled 113 times. The numbers of ancient Nineveh may be a source for the kemi and maya numbers. An historically significant cycle number for the ancient maya is 52 and its double, 104. Upon doubling the number 360 to 104 times, the number/fractal 3650833728657300676310505231482880 obtains. This number may be conceived and rounded off to 365.08337; quite close to representing a possible orbital time for Earth thousands of years ago. We find it significant to observe the relationship between the 360c and the 365c (numbers/fractals) and the 104 cycle of the ancient maya reckoning system in a single mathematical computation by way of the same method that appears to have formed their positional level numbers. Furthermore, an historically significant number for the ancient kemi appears to have been the 108c, which may be readily observed in the measurements of the Great Pyramid: 756 = 7 x 108; or in other numbers such as that of 1296000. Upon doubling the number 360 to 108 times, the number/fractal 5841333965851681082096083703726080 obtains. This number may be conceived and rounded off to 584.1334; quite closed to representing the synodic orbital time for Venus. We again find it significant to observe the relationship between the 360 and the 584c (numbers/fractals) and the 108c of the ancient kemi in a single mathematical computation by way of the same mathematical method of doubling/halving numbers as they employed it. The 108c lies on the series 27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864... From this particular table of numbers, an infinite array of computations becomes available. The imagination is the limit. But, what becomes significant is the apparent significance of the numbers themselves as established by the simple doubling of the 360 figure. The very relationship of 104:365 and 108:584 take on a distinct perspective, given the fact that those same relationships exist as historically recorded by archeaologists and anthropologists over the last coupe of centuries. Those very relationships are the ones that have been identified in the ancient record itself. Now, the numbers appear within a natural progression established by one of the significant day-count (360c), common to both systems of the kemi and the maya. The number of coincidences simply continues to accumulate: the numbers exist in similar relationships in the natural progression of the 360c; the numerical relationships exist in the two distinct ancient reckoning systems; and the numbers exist regarding the orbital times of Earth and Venus. If the peoples of ancient kemi and the ancient maya had observational data that related to the 365c and the 584c of Earth and Venus respectively, and then doubled the 360c figure only to discover such a relationship, one may surely imagine their sense of surprise. And, with that, one may also understand why the 104c and the 108c numbers may have taken on an added and related significance themselves. The discovery of the relation of the 360c to the observational data would have been tantamount to having discovered the E = mc² formula in our times. The 360c table of numbers would have come to represent a mathematical resolution of relating the different day-counts: 260c, 360c, 365c, and 584c, alongwith the additional 108c. Many other observations are in order. Further analyses of the distinct relationships produced by the 360c table of numbers may be found in the essays of the Earth/matriX series. For now, we have simply set forth the basic analysis which might provide insight regarding a possible single source of mathematical reasoning for the ancient reckoning systems of the world. ©1996-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved
Extract N°3 THE MAYA-KEMI SYSTEM 25 September 1996 ©1996-2012 Copyrighted by Charles William Johnson. All Rights Reserved Earth/matriX, Reproduction prohibited without written consent of the author.