Forum A MAYAN MILESTONE by Hugh Harleston, Jr. (To
view this entire 8-page essay go to: On the first day of August, 58 years after my first visit to the Teotihuacan Valley, I was allowed to find a Mayan milestone, a marker on the road to unified space and time, a mathematical marker called a “factorial.” A factorial is a product of all positive whole numbers from the number one to a selected number. For example, factorial three, symbolized by 3!, is one times two times three. The product is the number six. If I continue multiplying, I see that factorial five is the number one hundred twenty: 5! is 120, or one times two times three times four times five. Any number, as everyone discovers, can mean whatever I decide to assign it. If it is minutes, then 120 is two hours of sixty minutes, because we have agreed worldwide to make an hour be sixty seconds per minute and sixty minutes per hour. This holds only if we continue to agree to this arbitrary selection. If I assign a value to a piece of ceramic or stone used as the measure for laying out the Great Pyramids of Mexico at Teotihuacan, then 120 of these rulers will be a precision model of our polar diameter, reduced one hundred thousand times,. If I divide my model sphere into twenty equal surface triangles, then each can be subdivided into only six smaller triangles. All are curved like a child’s balloon. The 120 triangles are not duplicates, because sixty of them are curved differently from the other sixty. They have to be bent backwards to fit over the others. With the Mayan rod used at Teotihuacan each smaller triangle has an area of six times seven times nine. If the units assigned are earth revolutions (we call them “days,”) the area of each triangle can count the reappearance overhead in the sky of the planet Saturn every 378 days, six times seven times nine. But astonishment does not end here. A great Quadrangle was built, with sides of six times seven times nine rods. Six of these sides measure the length from north to south of a rectangle that defines the Monumental Zone area, a rectangle whose width is two Great Squares. The area assigned the name – “Ceremonial Zone” – covers twelve squares shown by what I have suggested be renamed the Quadrangle of Saturn. Mayans combined space and time measures, so that their Monumental Zone is also two by six Saturn orbits, seen from earth. The wonder grew when I found that twenty times the six orbits of Saturn becomes the surface area of my earth model. But then came more: twenty earth model areas become the number that measures its volume in cubic units with high precision. And to leave me speechless: that volume divided by six is the number of days in four hundred orbits of Saturn. Each time period of 400 Saturns, registered on stone stelae, is equal to one hundred walks around the Great Quadrangle of Saturn. Each walk is four times 378: one thousand five hundred and twelve. This number, in Mayan bar and dot code, is sculpted on the wall of a mural in the chamber underneath a multi-column patio assigned a speculative Aztec name: Palace of the Quetzal Butterfly. What does all this have to do with factorials? Study of Teotihuacan’s architecture confirms that the basis for Mayan measurements of space and time given by the design of their Great Pyramidal Zone, whose architecture is a time-count model of our solar system, was factorial 9! … ![]() Our solar system, like life itself, is a mathematical game played by Hunab Ku, the Giver of Unified Measurement. Teotihuacan is a monument to mathematical truths. In order to reach this conclusion thousands of conversions were made to map the “Ceremonial Zone” in Standard Teotihuacan Units (STU). The first data were presented in September of 1974. Significant repeating dimensions have been reconfirmed. Of the 127 factors of 9! that I tested, 56 are principal dimensions. Mayan time counts, verified by previous scholars, are whole numbers that produce the six-digit factorial and higher. I plan to add tabulations of these factors and new conclusions to my website: (To view this entire 8-page essay go to: Complete version pdf) Mayan Treasure: Space and Time Unified at Teotihuacan Posted on By Hugh Harleston, Jr. – © - 1974-2005 earth/matrix