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The Sound of Meaning: Comparative Linguistics of Ancient Egyptian, Maya and Nahuatl
Forum Part II Fernando AEDO wrote: Thank you for your quick answer and for sharing your file with me. I checked your site in another place and I can see everything, there is no need to check with your webmaster. I am sure it is the firewall at home that blocked the images where the words from the Mishna are shown with their Egyptian counterpart. When you write the following statement, I quote: "Our reason for reviewing the linguistic correspondence between Hebrew and ancient Egyptian is quite simple. In this case, we have a historically documented encounter between these peoples and some of the resulting similarities of language." The Hebrews had even older ties with the Egyptians. First, Abraham also went to Egypt long before Jacob and his family went there to meet with Joseph. Second, there is even one more ancient tie; the record informs about Noah and his three sons Japhet, Shem and Ham. Japhet's descendants are the Greeks, from Shem come the SHeMites and from Ham the Egyptians and modern Africa. I am sure you are aware of this. Historically, there are blood and linguistic ties. In those pristine times, even if everyone went to set in different places of the known world. When communicating there must have been not many difficulties. Then comes Babel where a neurological perturbation happened in those days and from where our modern 6000 + languages comes. Back to Abraham, he comes from Ur, a place from where 70 languages originated too. Then, there are linguistically ties spread all over the world in such a long distant and distinct civilizations. As all languages come from a pristine and single one. Then it is possible to reconstruct ancient linguistic links by searching the sounds and senses in the words and vocabularies of all those ancient and modern languages. This concept comes from Professor Isaac Mozeson, which is called Edenics (A language spoken before the Babble Babel neurological interference) author of the book The Origin of Speeches. It is a new science that we are starting here (without presumptions) this is revolutionizing the linguistic world. I have translated the book into Spanish; I am now looking for a publisher, and have started the translation into French. (By the way supe que ud. es mitad mexicano mitad de los E.E.U.U) You can visit our website at http://www.homestead.com/edenics/ to see what's behind it. Besides that, I agree a hundred per cent with your ponderings since I have also done research on the matter. I like the way you present it, linguistic correspondences by using the Talmud and the Mishna. Those words that, I quote, "At times, we simply present words that help understand the original word-concept, related aspects of the morphemes." What a way of presenting these correspondences!. In our research we do the same approach, we use the Torah or the Hebrew Bible, oh! that B word. Since it is one of the oldest records humans have kept from millennia. It is a good source of information, at list for those who dare to look up there. The research I do is more based in language correspondences in the world of Amerindian languages and Biblical Hebrew, Egyptian, Akkadian, Assyrian, let's say Semitic languages, and lastly, including Dravidian. For example Edenic NaPHaH fan (vowels are in lower letter cases because, consonants are the ones who keep the roots), NeePaH to wind and NaPHa[K]H to blow, swell, breathe as found in Genesis have its echo in Egyptian NFyT fan. (Reverse English FaN and you get NaF, another good one). Let's jump to the Amazonian languages and we find ANPianTe wing in Chayahuita, naNaP wing in Aguaruna and -a?NáaPi arm, wing in Resigaro. Changing directions to Central America there is Huascatec iNPabab wing. Wings are fans. Lastly we have Dravidan BeNa fan (again a reverse word). To understand the concept of reversals in the world of words see our English word EaRTH, its linguistic correspondence is with Biblical Hebrew (BH) AReTS but Spanish TieRRa is a reversal as well as Latin TeRRA. Looking forward to hear from you, reciba mis saludos sinceros Fernando Aedo